Farah Aldaghestani
An Atlas of Haida Gwaii: A Nation Striving for Sustenance
and Resilience
(British Columbia)

A history of unsettlement and uprooting into new land tenures was lived by the Haida people. The Haida land has seen an increase in illegal hunting, fishing, and logging as a result of unsustainable extraction practices that have caused resource depletion. This thesis acknowledges the Haida Nation, To whom the lands they live upon have been their ancestral homes since time immemorial, and their steadfast efforts to protect the archipelago’s premises. This thesis intends to honor the long history of the Haida Nation as well as to commemorate their knowledge and reflect on their methods of responding to crises.

© Archipelago Studio 2020 @ the John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design, University of Toronto.